Hello, I’m Rita Sanches, a Portuguese single mother with Cape Verdean roots, who seven years ago found in Belgium not just a place to live, but a real home. On my entrepreneurial journey, I learned valuable lessons and accumulated experiences that shaped my worldview. In 2022, I made a life-changing decision: I brought my children and my mother to Belgium. Even in the midst of frustrations, I felt that this was my home and that I had a mission and a purpose to fulfill. I believe that in every challenge there is an opportunity for growth, and I have always maintained the conviction that we can overcome any obstacle. My lifestyle is simply being myself, seeking daily to be a better version. I believe in the importance of doing good, not judging others, working tirelessly and never fearing risks. These principles not only guided my steps, but also shaped my life mission. My mission is clear: to help people recognize their strength, uniqueness and worth. Through my courses, I not only share knowledge, but I seek to transform lives, just as mine was one day transformed. I want to remind everyone that they are not alone, that I will be by their side every step of the way, opening doors to the success they desire.

The Fênix project is also available for my use; This is a wonderful missie in Almas. Het doel van veel mensen, rumored and rumored is that de jeugd weer op gang comes, as a fênix. When you are on the safe side, there is a risk of recognition, it is possible that this is a stronger part of the crime. Bij the project Fênix will be vastly managed by a gid and a mentor for the new ones. Junto’s can have a successful delivery, superação en auto-empodamento bouwen. Lembrando dat: he was in good condition, and the recognition was that he had a new life and could have been opgeblazed. We can transform and transfer to a very brilliant level.

We are here to support and raise the self-esteem of warriors facing hair loss due to chemotherapy. Every month, we’ll present a wig to a brave woman who shares her story with us. If you are going through this phase, get in touch, tell your story and agree to share your transformation on our social networks.

And for all women looking for a boost in self-esteem, we offer an exclusive 40% discount on all wigs. Together, let’s spread hope, strength and beauty.